Page 45 - Edisi Maret 2017
P. 45

44  ENGLISH                                                                                   ENGLISH      45


 FROM ACEH                                                                     preparation because this event

 TO EUROPE          etting the opportunity   some ingredients from Aceh        was one of the biggest events
                    to study in the
                                            because they might be difficult
                                                                               happening there. Many invited
                    Czech Republic was
                                            to find ones there. The first
                    very unforgettable
                                                                               that we prepared food in large
         Gexperience for me.                event that we followed was the     guests and students came, so
                                            “International Dinner” which
         There are many lessons that made   was held in the cafeteria of       quantities. We divided the cooking
 CURRICULUM VITAE  me feeling proud as Acehnese   Vinarska dormitory. The event   team of each type of food that
 Name            : Yustia Septiana S.Pd  who represented Indonesia to the   was attended by many students   would be presented. We did it
 Place/date of birth  : Matang Glumpang Dua, 20   world.  from various countries. In this   with passion and we believed that
 September 1993
                                            event, we were required to cook    our food could make the people
 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND  Besides studying there, I also got   and serve food at a designated   impressed. We presented two kinds
 Syiah Kuala University – English Department Student   a chance to promote Indonesia. I   of food that were fried banana
 2011                                       place. We presented fried banana
 SMAN 1 Bireuen 2008  came together with friends who   and noodles with peanut sauce.   and chicken satay. We also served
 SMPN 1 Peusangan 2005  were also represented Indonesia   The scoring system used in   “cendol” as the representative
 MIN 1 Peusangan 1999
 TK An Nabawi 1998  as the exchange students under   selecting the winner was through   of Indonesian beverage. It was
         Erasmus+ Scholarship program.      voting. We never thought that      surprised that the same thing
 Facebook  : yustia septiana fivedes  We participated in various   there were many foreigners liked   happened. There were a lot of
 Twitter    : @yustiaseptiana  competitions which were held   fried banana. They previously had   people came to Indonesia’s court
 Line    : @yustiaseptiana  at Masaryk University, Brno,   never eaten food cooked from   to taste fried banana. Even some of
 Instagram : yustia_s
 Email   :  Czech Republic. One of the   banana through frying process.   those asked for the recipes of fried
         most memorable things was          They were surprised and did not    banana. There was also a special
 Liaison Officer of Ambassador of Panama   cooking competition where we   believe that the taste is very   invitation for us to teach them
 (Diplomatic Tour) 2016  got opportunity to introduce   delicious. The foreigners who   directly how to make fried banana.
 Awarded of Expert sustain  under Erasmus+    Indonesian food.  voted for us shouted, “I love
 Scholarship, Masaryk University, Czech Republic 2015
 Second Winner of Country Presentation, Masaryk   Indonesia! I love fried banana! “. It   Who would not be proud? Indonesia
 University, Czech Republic   “International Dinner” and   was spontaneous and made other   was always in the position of 3rd
  Third Winner of “International Dinner” and “   “International Food Fair”, were   largest place of all competitions. We
 International Food Fair” , Masaryk University, Czech   guests who were tasting foods
 Republic   the name of the two events under   from other countries moved      won 3rd place in both “International
 The representative of Bireun in Geology Olympiad,   the theme “cook and serve food of   to our court. They ate all fried   Dinner” and “International Food
 The representative of Bireun in Badminton   your country!”. The competitions   bananas that we served.  Fair” competition. Representing
 Competition (POPDA), 2008  were organized by the Centre of                    Indonesia by beating 32 participating
         International Cooperation Masaryk   Similarly, the same thing also    countries was a great honor to us.
         University, Brno, Czech Republic.  happened in the event of           Surprisingly, fried banana which
                                            “International Food Fair” which    is the affordable price food that
         We have made preparations a        was held at the Faculty of         has been known easily found in
         few days before the competition    Economics, Masaryk University.     Indonesia became one of the most
         started. In fact, we also brought   This competition took a lot of    favorite foods in Europe.  (fhr)

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