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 Curriculum Vitae  ather, is a man like no   he gave me suggestions, he exposes   A father’s involvement in his
 •  Name: Lavina Sabila  other. Some people might   to me what are the benefits and   daughter’s life is fundamental in
 •  Place/date of birth: Lhokseumawe,   F say that father only play   risks that I will get if I take a certain   the development of daughter’s
 September 17th 1997
                  a small role in the family.   decision. He helped me to manage   self-esteem. A father’s influence
 Educational Background  Father is only responsible   my mind, find my passion, and   in his daughter’s life shapes her
 •  SD Negeri 20 Banda Aceh  to work hard, pay bills, and give the   decide things. He is not a kind of   self-esteem, self-image, confidence
 •  SMP Negeri 6 Banda Aceh  rest of parental job to mother.  No   parent who will force his children to   and opinions of men. I do realize by
 •  SMA Laboratorium Unsyiah  wonder, many children appear to   follow what he asks us. He is a kind   my self that it is true. Before having
 •  International Accounting Program,   form closer attachment to their   of man who will tell us the good and   presentation, or whenever I have
 Faculty of Economy and Business,           bad sides of things, let us consider   to go on stage, or before joining a
 Universitas Syiah Kuala (4th semester)  mother instead of their father.  by our self and decide. He is also my   competition, I usually talk to my
                                            motivation booster in studying and   father the morning before that
 Social Medias
 •  Email:  But for me personally, father has   achieving my goals.  event. I usually complain about how
 •  Instagram: @vinlavina  bigger role than that. And I am                     nervous I am, how I feel like I am
          pretty sure I am not the only one   Talking about career, a study    not capable enough and he always
 Achievement:  who is saying this because there are   also said that involved father has   has his own ways to boost my self
 •  Mobility Student to Universiti Utara   a lot of researches regarding about   daughters who are more ambitious   confidence and convience me that I
 Malaysia 2017  this issue, father and daughter   in their careers. Another study on   am capable.
 •  Fourth Runner-up Duta GenRe   relationship, father’s influence on   2009 study from the University of
 Indonesia 2016  Rizki Hawalaina            Maryland, revealed that women      Those studies about father’s
 •  First Winner Duta Mahasiswa GenRe   her daughter. The influences could   are three times as likely to follow in   influence on daughters proof us that
 Aceh 2016  be about a lot of things. Our father
          can influence our academic, career,   their father’s career footsteps these   father and daughter’s relationship
          and even our self confidence.     days than they were a century ago.   is very important. If you are a
                                            We can say that father has a big   daughter and you feel like your
          A study by the U.S. Department    impact on daughter’s career.       father didn’t give many impacts in
          of Education found that highly                                       your life maybe you and your father
          involved fathers had children who   Another thing about father is,   haven’t built a good relationship.
          were 43 percent more likely than   he influences his daughter’s self   And it is never too late to start a
          other children to earn mostly A’s   image. Young women with engaged   new one. Communicate more with
          and 33 percent less likely than other   fathers had higher overall opinions   your father, discuss things, ask
 Written By: Lavina Sabila  children to repeat a grade.  Another   of themselves, the U.S. Department   his opinion, and you will see the
          government study concluded that   of Health and Human Services’      differences in your life. If you are a
          girls with involved fathers are twice   Administration for Children and   father, and you feel like you are too
          as likely to stay in school. And   Families also has reported, along   busy for your daughters, remember
          those with fathers who are actively   with higher reported levels of   that you are the one who shape your
 Father and Daughter  involved in their lives have higher   self-esteem. Fathers play an   daughters, you are the influencer.
                                            important role in the development
          quantitative and verbal skills, as well
                                                                               Barack Obama, a president, and also
                                            of their children. From their role
                                                                               a good father, said “Any fool can
          as higher intellectual functioning.
 Relationship  Since I was in elementary school, my   in communicate and act as role-  have a child. That doesn’t make you
                                            models for their kids, loving,
                                                                               a father. It’s the courage to raise a
                                            engaged fathers have been shown to
                                                                               child that makes you a father. Let
          father helped me a lot on deciding
                                            have a tremendous impact on how a
          things. He didn’t force me to choose
                                                                               us build a good father and daughter
                                            child grows up.
                                                                               relationship, from today. (fhr)
          certain things that he likes, instead
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