Page 39 - Edisi Juli 2017
P. 39

38  ENGLISH                                                                                   ENGLISH      39

 Learning Respect

 Curriculum Vitae  ndonesia Youth and Sport Ministry   possibly happen during the program.
 Nama    : Nurchalis  Ialways held Youth Echange Program to   What if in one occasion, one of the
 Lahir   : Tanjong Mesjid,3 Juli 1993  from Youth Exchange   several foreign countries every year. One   Malaysia delegations claims something
 Usia   : 23 tahun  of the programs is Indonesia-Malaysia   which I believe belong to Indonesia?

 Educational Background  Program  Youth Echange Program in which I   How am I supposed to react? How could   “
                                                                                Another situation that
 FKIP  Bahasa Inggris Unsyiah : 2011 - Sekarang  participated last year. The main purpose   I say something without hurting neither
 MAS Jeumala Amal   : 2008 – 2011  of the program is to maintain bilateral   Indonesians nor Malaysians? Those kind   surprised me was when
 MTsS Jeumala Amal   : 2005 – 2008  relationship between the two countries.   of questions was all over my head before I   I visited an art center
 SD Dayah Teungoh    : 1999 – 2005  The participants were expected to be the   actually met the Malaysia delegations.
          agents who are in charge to strengtenth                               in Malaysia where they
 Social Medias                                                                  performed wayang to
 •  Email:  the friendship and to discuss about the   Surprisingly we, Indonesia delegations,
 •  Instagram: chalis_elbarca  current issues between their countries.  named our generation as Batik   welcome us.
 •  Facebook: Nurchalis El Barca            Generation which could possibly heaten
          Indonesia delegated 18 of their youths   the relationship between us. Actually
 Achievement:  from all over Indonesia to participate   we chose that term as our identity
 •  Juara 1 penulisan English Essay Unsyiah  in this program last year. One of them   because it stands for Berintegrasi, Aktif,
 •   Runner up Indonesia – Korea Youth   was me. I was selected to be the   Informatif dan Komunikatif. We took the
 Exchange Program
 •   Delegasi Indonesia untuk Program   representative of Aceh through a long yet   risk just in case they, Malaysians, will be
          intense selection. In the process , I was
 Pertukaran Pemuda Indonesia-Malaysia  Rizki Hawalaina  uncomfortable about it. We assumed   not even say bad things about it.
 •   Pemuda Berprestasi Provinsi Aceh tahun   also chosen to be the Youth Leader who   that it might be a bad idea. We discussed   Otherwise, they loved it. They kept
 2016     should lead all of Indonesia delegations   about the worst possibilities. We also kept   giving compliments about our batik.
          during the program. It means that I   reminding each other to react as wise   Moreover, they bought a lot of batik in
          should be twice as wise as I used to be in   as possible regarding to our position as   Indonesia as souvenir because they said
          my daily life.                    country ambassadors.               that in Malaysia batik was too expensive.
                                                                               It totally made me think that it could
          As we know that Indonesia and Malaysia   When we finally met Malaysia   possibly the issue did not influence those
          shared a lot of things in common. Our   delegations, all of our perceptions   who could think wisely. They showed
          culture are mostly alike. For some people   towards them was all proven to be   that accepting similarities or differences is
          , this is a gift to have similar culture. But   wrong. All of the worst cases we have   beautiful.
          for others, it may be something to be   prepared to be involved in did not
          claimed. It is where most of the conflicts   happen at all. What happened was totally   Another situation that surprised me was
          began lately between Indonesia and   different. They really respected us and   when I visited an art center in Malaysia
          Malaysia. We have experienced some of   never claimed or said something sensitive.   where they performed wayang to
          the conflicts regarding to claiming things   They totally changed my perception   welcome us. But again, they surprised
          in the previous years. For instance, batik,   towards Malaysian whom I mostly believe   me when they said  that they learned
          wayang, angklung and maybe many   to be when I watched on tv or read on   about wayang from Indonesia. They did
          others.                           the newspaper.                     not claim it as theirs. That was a really
                                                                               humble act from them. The point is,
          Those issues actually scared me a lot   Coincidentally, we welcomed them   Youth Exchange Program taught me to
          when I started the program. I thought   in Jakarta using batik from all over   respect and to love both similarities and
          about many bad things that could   Indonesia. But surprisingly, they did   differences. (fhr)

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