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                                         BEING AN

 Writer Information  IISMA AWARDEE

 Name: Ceudah Hajashafira
 Date & Place of Birth:
 31 March 1999, Banda Aceh
 Origin: Indonesian                               Ceudah Hajashafira
 Status: Physics Student of
 Syiah Kuala University, Faculty
 of Mathematics
 and Science   n 2021, I was selected as the   Interestingly, we had a final team   Most people here use to walk or
 Email:  awardee of the Indonesian   project at the end of the module,   ride bicycles. I like to walk around
             International Student Mobility   in which, together with my group,   the park when I had free time.
 n  Awardee 2021, Indonesian   Awards (IISMA), Kampus   I addressed a real-world problem.   However, since the Netherlands is
 International Student   IMerdeka Program. I got a   This way, I got to put scientific   quite a small country, I can easily
 Mobility Awards (IISMA)-   chance to study at the Faculty   theory into practice.  travel to another city. It just took
 Ministry of Education and   of Geographic Information    Being an international student   me one to three hours to reach
 Culture, Government of   Science and Earth Observation   has given me the opportunity to   another city by train. So, during the
 n  2  Winner 2021 ”Kategori   (ITC), University of Twente,   share Indonesian culture with   weekend, I like to visit other cities
 Karya Tulis Ilmiah”,   Netherlands. I took this program   society. I and the other IISMA   like Amsterdam, Utrecht, Den
 University Student Science   as an opportunity to maximize   awardees in UT have participated   Haag or even some neighboring
 Competition West Area –   my potential and emphasize   in an event called “ITC International   countries like Germany or Belgium.
 Mathematic and Science Faculty,   the Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi.   Food Festival”. We introduced a    By participating in the
 Syiah Kuala University
 n  2  Winner 2020, Hult Prize   Being a student at the University   bunch of Indonesian cuisines. We   IISMA program, I obtained the
 Ambassador on Campus UNSYIAH   of Twente (UT) has given me a way   dressed up, decorated a booth, and   international experiences that
 –– Hult Prize  to connect with new colleagues and   shared the Indonesian foods while   would help me to engage and
 n  Bronze Medal Physics Olimpiade   experience a new culture of learning.   interacting with the other students   contribute globally. At least, it has
 2020, Olimpiade Semirata Bidang   Here, students are commonly   and staff in ITC Faculty.  been helping me to increase my
 MIPA –Mathematics and Science   asking questions in class or later    Being far away from my family   language skill, which can support
 Department Andalas University  approaching the teacher individually.   and getting into a new environment   me to have a better understanding,
 n  Awardee Batch 8 2019, XL Future
 Leaders – PT. XL Axiata Tbk  We even have an assignment Q&A   has pushed me to explore the   and explore some international
 n  Delegate of OIC 2017, Asia Youth   period in the timetable. We have   other side of myself. I learned how   resources for my thesis. I can see
 International Model United Nation   always been told, “There isn’t such   to manage money, time, and even   that this program has created the
 (AYIMUN) – Indonesia Global Network  a stupid question; every question is   I made my own meals. I became   opportunity for me to sharpen
 n  Historian 2017, Mayor Youth Advisory   worth asking”.  more independent and creative.   my competencies such as critical
 Council – Mayor of Kendallville,    During the learning program,   It has given me the opportunity to   thinking, problem-solving, change
 Indiana USA  we got the module on specific   enhance my communication skill    management, and collaboration.
 n  International Education Week   themes with all sorts of subjects   as well.  I hope all of those experiences
 Presenter, Indonesian KL-YES
 Student 2016 – United States   and learning activities. Usually, we    Enschede, the city where I   can be the sources for me to
 Department of State.  got feedback sessions with fellow   lived, is not a big city. But I like how   give a better contribution to the
          students, tutorials, and lectures.   the environment which is so calm.   surrounding community. []

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