Page 41 - Warta USK November 2022
P. 41

ENGLISH                                                                                     ENGLISH

                   Studying and Living

                   Experiences in Aceh


 E-yaebasor                   tudying in an Islamic country     had to adjust to the language, food, and
                                                                traffic. The hardest is probably the food
                              was my desire till I got an
                              opportunity and scholarship       because I am a person who cannot eat
                              to study at Universitas Syiah     spicy food. Once many of my Indonesian
 Name: Haleemee E-yaebasor   SKuala, Aceh, Indonesia. Now       friends came to recommend food that is
 Date & Place of Birth: 26 August 1998,
 Pattani province, Thailand.  I am an international student taking the   not spicy and that I should eat. My favorite
 Origin: Thai       English Education major. There are many     dish right now is chicken Soto, especially
 Status: Student of English Department,   stories and experiences about study and   the one at the university. It is delicious! As
 Universitas Syiah Kuala  living that I have gained while I am living in   for the language, at first, there might be
                    Aceh for almost one year.                   some problems because of my familiarity
 ACHIEVEMENTS:         Firstly, let’s start with my studies at   with the Melayu language communication
 g  2016: Participated in English   this university. I am a third-year student   but now I can use Bahasa Indonesia to
 Competition (Speech Competition) in
 Senior High School level at Darussalam   in the teacher training faculty (FKIP) in   communicate quite well. Another is about
 school.            English education major. Unfortunately,     the society and environment of Banda
                    throughout my first and second years,       Aceh City. Aceh is an Islamic province,
 g  2016: Participated in English
 competition (spelling Bee) in Senior   I had to rely on online learning due to   so many things are very similar to my
 High School level at Darussalam school.  the pandemic of covid-19. Although the   province, which means that I do not have
 g  2017: Participated in English   language barrier sometimes took me   to adjust much in this area. Last but not
 competition (Speech Competition) in   a long time to learn new things, in the   least, Aceh has many tourist attractions,
 Senior High School level at Darussalam   end, my online learning went well. In my   which made me fall in love with the nature
                    third year, I had the opportunity to study   of the city very much and experience
 g  2017: Gold Medal of Badminton   offline for the first time, something I had   great moments.
 Tournament held by Darussalam
 school.            been looking forward to while studying         My life and learning in Aceh have been
                    online. The first day of offline classes    challenging and have given me many
 g  2018: Representative of “South Thai
 Youth” Project Bangkok, Thailand.  made me a bit nervous, I was afraid that   things over almost a year, both in terms
                    I couldn’t get along with my friends due    of living in the university as a student and
 g  2020: Speaker – in “Jia English Club”,
 Narathiwas, Thailand.  to the language barrier. But everything   living in this society as a foreigner. Both
                    turned out to be unpredictable. Everyone    of these show that no matter who we are
 g  2021: Speaker- in “The Next Step
 Project” Narathiwas, Thailand.  here was very kind and ready to help me   and where we come from, people here
                    with everything both in my studies and      are ready to help and love us as a human
 g  2022: Speaker- in QSP Alumni Weeky
 Halaqh (Webinar)   socializing here.                           friend can give. I would like to thank all
                       Secondly, I will tell a story about living   readers who read this line. Hope this
 g  2020 – Scholarship study at Universitas
 Syiah Kuala, Aceh, Indonesia.  in Aceh for almost a year of my stay here.   article is more or less useful to everyone.
                    During the first period of my stay here, I   See you again next time. Thank you! []

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