Page 39 - Edisi Februari 2017
P. 39

38  ENGLISH                                                                                   ENGLISH      39



 TO UTOPIA         he term resource         such as through renegotiating bilateral   nationalism policy can bind new agreed
                                                                               treaties. Indonesia had to follow the
                                            investment treaties or contracts,
                   nationalism has been
                                                                               rules of international arbitration law for
                                            developing new national legislations to
                   widely used in 1970s to
                   illustrate the emergence   impose new tax or royalty, withdrawing   dispute settlement and enforcement of
         Tof postcolonial states            from international arbitration, etc.     international arbitration awards.
         behaviours over the foreign oil
         companies which were affiliated to    In Indonesia context resource   The movement of resource nationalism
 CURRICULUM VITAE  colonial regimes. The movement   nationalism has been manifested   in postcolonial states has been mostly
 Name      : M. Ya’kub Aiyub Kadir  become more popular supported   through various approaches, such as    strengthening the position of states to
 Place/date of birth  : Aceh Besar, 1977  by euphoria of independence in   re-negotiating  Bilateral Investment   bargain with foreign companies. But this
         terms of sovereignty over natural   Treaties (BIT) in terms of the absence   not always bring to maximum benefit
         resources. It was originated from the   of the expected benefit and the risk for   of people where natural resources were
 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND  anti-colonialism spirit in developing   compensation claim in international   extracted. Rather it has contributed to
 •  Bachelor in  Islamic Law, IAIN Ar-Raniry Banda   world against foreign investors   arbitration.  Indonesia argues that the   the development of new regimes from
 Aceh.   which has strongly associated with   existing BIT benefits in practice only   increasing economic rent and investor
 •  Master in International Law, Oxford Brookes   colonist regimes, and contributed to   the developed states with capital and   in another side. This disadvantages of
 University, United Kingdom.  new arrangement between states   technology to invest in Indonesia.    people can be seen in several cases in
 •  PhD in International Law, Anglia Ruskin   and investors. The urgent need to   Article 33 of the  1945 Constitution   Indonesia, such as Arun LNG in North
 University, United Kingdom.  national budget for development   refers to the full and direct control of   Aceh, Tangguh LNG  in West Papua,
         and the booming price of oil and gas   state over natural resources for the   Bontang LNG Plant in  East Kalimantan,
 •  Email:     benefit of people, but with no actual   and other parts of Indonesia.  It is
         has triggered developing world to
         increase control and generate more   process to ensure the conformity   therefore shifting paradigm of resource
 ACHIEVMENTS  benefit from foreign investors. It was   between an international treaty   nationalism from state–investors based
 •  Ford Foundation -IFP scholarship Awardee  reflected from the emergence of   as  drafted in common form by the   into people-based should be taken
         Calvo doctrine in Latin America states   exporting capital countries,  and the   seriously in international and national
         (1868), to the collective struggle of   1945 Indonesian Constitution.  setting.
         Bandung conference (1955) which
         contributes to the emergence of    Following this, Indonesia has initiated   The recent initiative of Sovereign Wealth
         various legal documents under the   to terminate the BIT with the     Fund in Bojonegoro District, East Java,
         UN General Assembly Resolutions.   Netherlands from July 2015, as part of   Indonesia can be considered as part of
         It sought to bring both moral and   a plan to end all 67 agreements with   this new paradigm. The effort to save
         legal obligation over the Western   other countries, i.e. China, France, and   some profits for the future generation
         colonial states, but it has failed to be   the United Kingdom when they are up   and fiscal stabilisation during volatility
         well formulated and therefore has   for renewal. However renegotiating   of oil and gas price was intended to
         challenged the protective measures of   BIT will face several threats from the   avoid the resource curse diseases. This
         foreign investors in international law. It   existing international investment   initiative should be supported by central
         formed of nationalisation over colonial-  system, i.e. stabilisation, sunset, and   government, parliament, non-government
         based foreign companies as one of   arbitration clause. It may not prevent   organisations, and public which can be
         traditional behaviours of resource   foreign investors filing international   part of correction of previous failure
         nationalism. However recently resource   arbitration claim during the timeframe   of oil and gas revenue management in
         nationalism manifested in softer ways,   of a treaty, but for a long-term resource   Indonesia. (Fhr)

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