Page 41 - WARTA USK
P. 41

English                                                                                           English

 Ramadan,                                                                        Afolabi

 the Practice of Fasting                                                       Ayoola


 aving a chance to travel to   mosque near the dormitory would   In the streets, the stalls and
 other countries can be one   sound an alarm to alert people which   stores are opened, and there
 of the most fascinating   became a recurring phenomenon   are newly erected ones offering
 Hexperiences in the world.   to commence the fasting and   different delicacies and meals,
 I came from Nigeria in Africa to the   avoid eating. All offline classes   especially coconut water drinks
 city of Aceh in Indonesia, with great   were canceled and our lecturers   to be used as an appetizer before
 delight after being considered and   rescheduled classes to online. Most   the main dish. The streets become
 awarded a scholarship to study in   physical activities were halted or   congested with people hurried and
 the prestigious Universitas Syiah   suspended, even football because   hastened to reach their homes to   Nationality   : Nigerian
                                            Date of birth  : September 28, 1994
 Kuala.  Although, I had concerns   of the toll of the fast on players.   break their fast. At nights, I enjoy   Interests: Comics, Abstract articles, Internet
 about visiting and studying in   It brought about the difficulty for   watching the kids lighting up their   surfing, and Electronic gadgets
 another country, being far away from   me in finding opened shops and   firecrackers to light up the sky whilst
 my family, friends, culture, and home   restaurants in the day with the   running across the field.  EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND
                                            The Polytechnic, Ibadan, Nigeria, Credits in
 country but was driven by the aim to   observed pandemic regulation   I found my local and international   Mechanical Engineering (2011-2015)
 study and improve my knowledge,   as people seem to recline, relax   friends’ attitudes and behaviors   Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh,
 career prospects and sustain my   and read the Quran inside their   transformed; they showed great   Indonesia, Master of Disaster Science
 family.  homes. However, I still get to have   charitable spirit and warmness   (2020-present)
 As a non-Muslim international   necessary items from few opened   during the period and continually   WORK EXPERIENCES
 student living and studying in one   stores. I bring any consumable items   express gratitude, care, and support   •  •   Nigeria Breweries 2017-2018
                                                Data Clerk/Inventory Management
 of the provinces of Indonesia,   directly into my room before I start   in every circumstance. Despite,   National Youth Service Corps 2019-2020
 Aceh during Ramadan has been a   eating them to avoid being rude and   being an Islamic province, I found   •   Giron Masa Secondary School School
                                                Teacher Primary Assignment
 rewarding experience, albeit limiting   offensive.  a form of comfort and familiarity   •
 because of the Covid-19 pandemic.  Once the time of breaking the   amongst the natives.  ACHIEVEMENTS
                                                2019 -2020
 During Ramadan; the holiest   fast draws near in the evening, my   Although, daily activities are      Voted the best teacher in place of
 month for Muslims, when they get   Muslim friends will start praying and   stifled and difficult because of   primary assignment
                                                2019 -2020
 to fast from sunrise to sunset to   prepare to break their fast, the relief   the pandemic, which most of us   •     Events coordinator during Corps
 strengthen their relationship with   packages continued at sunset, and   have adjusted to, and the Ramadan   administration
 God, observing the sahur first meal   I was invited by our Muslim brothers   fasting hours, I still consider   •     2011 -2015
                                                Member of Engineering association
 before dawn and fajr the first prayer   for iftar, the breaking of fasting and   it enlightening from a cultural   •   2019 -2020
 of the day.   surrounded by so much kindness and   perspective and a profitable      Co-funded Education awareness for
                                                community service
 With the start of the fasting, the   a sense of peacefulness.   experience. []  •   2019 -2020

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