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English English-
Tribute to Indonesia:
KKN Kebangsaan in
Mamadou Kampung Laut
enefiting from the those from Jambi, Malang, Makassar, asked to take a picture with me.
scholarship sponsored by Riau, and 1 from USK. In fact, I am on good terms with the
Universitas Syiah Kuala, I I love the fact that I have the Imam, whom I come to visit and recite
have been studying here opportunities to meet and collaborate Al-quran. The men I met in the mosque
Bsince 2018. I am in my 6 with new people in this program. also love sharing their knowledge
semester and thus my undergraduate However, as an international student, about the deen with me.
program (4 years) is now reaching its this turned out to be one of the biggest They are wise, and very good at
end. I was therefore invited to join the challenges that I have. communicating things with me. They
national community service program, Since all my team members are treat me very well, and I am happy
KKN Kebangsaan in Jambi, where I Indonesians, most of the time the with them. We are in a harmonious
found true value in life in the unique communication involves chatting relationship.
fishermen village of Kampung Laut. in Bahasa Indonesia. However, the In my service to the community
My very first impression after we way they deliver information in the of Kampung Laut villagers, I
arrived at Jambi was that the city was group chat is rather difficult to dedicate myself to teaching English
not very different from Banda Aceh. understand because everyone doesn’t communication skills for young
n Origin: Senegal But two days later when we reached write complete words which leaves learners in SD 30.
n Status: International Student, Universitas
Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia. the village of Kampung Laut, I had the me questioning the meaning of the It has been my lifetime dream to be
n Faculty: Teacher Training English Education impression of landing on another planet. messages. a teacher. And being able to help these
(FKIP) In Kampung Laut, we literally live In the end, I am missing a lot of kids learn English really makes me
n Date & Place of Birth: 15-10-1984, Taba, on the sea. The village is built on the information and that caused problems motivated to pursue my dream.
n Email: water and houses are in the forms of in our communication. I even find it I have experienced first hand the
suspended stilts. It was scary at first, difficult to fit in. Sometimes they just impact of English in my life. And I do
ACHIEVEMENTS but I came to enjoy the very nice views woke up and said, “let’s go! let’s go! yok, hope my little contribution to this village
n Design Thinking Certificate,UM,2021 with ships and boats passing by. yok!” and yet nobody told me where may help them strengthen the residents’
n European Union Politics Course Certification-
EU-MAP Program Despite its weather that often and why we were going. skills to better build the place.
(one semester),2020 changes from hot to cold, being in the In this situation, I know that what My learning experience in
n World Indonesianist Congress awarded, Jogja, village is really refreshing; although I we are going through is difficult. But at Universitas Syiah Kuala has given me,
Indonesia, 2019
n Junior English Teacher and Administration can’t say I enjoy giving way to passing the end of the day, I learn to be patient along with many other Indonesian and
Staff and English Club Founder and Manager at motorcycles while walking - and - and frankly, we all should - to reduce international students, the opportunity
CUIM in Dakar, Senegal, 2011-2017 finding piles of dried fish everywhere conflicts. for obtaining a university degree.
n Darmasiswa Program Alumni, 2017-2018 on the streets. Apart from all these things, it was Personally, this does not only open
n Indonesian Language Certification B1 By joining the KKN Kebangsaan exciting to see the curiosity that the the doors to a better life for me, but
n English Language Proficiency Advanced Level
n French Language Diploma program, I was then put in a group villagers show towards me, as they this KKN Kebangsaan in Kampung Laut
with 11 other members from different rarely see a black person. It was fun has surely strengthened my will to be a
universities in Indonesia, including when the people greeted me and teacher. []
40 AGUSTUS 2021 41 AGUSTUS 2021