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English                                                                                                                                                                                                         English

                                                                                                                                Paving a Future

             Nour                                                                                                               for Gaza From USK

             T. M. Alhaj

             Date and Place of Birth
             Khan Youis, 05-08-1995                                                                                                         he road to success      make my parents proud of me. They     During my stay here, I noticed
             Origin                                                                                                                         is not easy and not     were the main reason I came here.   how much people in Indonesia love
             Status                                                                                                                         decorated with flowers.   With their prayers, I could get what I   Palestine. When they knew that I’m
             International Student of Universitas Syiah Kuala,                                                                   “TYou must resist to get           wanted.                            a Palestinian, they would ask about
             Magister Program of English Education                                                                               what you want.”                       I got a partial scholarship to   my country and my family there.
             Email                                                                                                                 I’m Nour Tawfiq Alhaj, a Palestinian   study for a master’s degree here in   Everyone was always eager to know
                                                                                                                                 girl from Gaza. I come from my     Indonesia. I started my college years in   more about Palestine.
             ACHIEVEMENTS                                                                                                        country with a determination to    USK majoring in Disaster Management   They welcomed me warmly as
             •  Volunteer From 21/4/2016 to 21/6/2017 in Al-                                                                     succeed. I faced so many difficulties   where I hope to learn and gain   if I was a part of their family. This
              Hayat Al-Jadeeda Newspaper                                                                                         and every time I fell and felt like I was   knowledge about better preparation   is something that helps reduce the
             •  Prepare morning programs in the University of
              Palestine Radio.                                                                                                   on the cusp of failure, I was standing   before, during and after disaster.  anxiety of someone who is away
             •  Graduated with a Bachelor Degree in                                                                              up again with God’s help.             When I first arrived in Banda   from their family like me.
              Journalism and e-publishing from the                                                                                 I was always sure that the       Aceh, I was very impressed with the   I love Indonesian food and love
              University of Palestine 2017                                                                                       difficulties I had in my life were only   beauty of nature in Indonesia. During   trying new types of food. But my
             •  Volunteer at the TEDx event of the
              Department of Social Communication                                                                                 periods that made me stronger. I did   the first year of my study, I was able   biggest challenge was eating spicy
              in the University of Palestine.                                                                                    not get to Indonesia through a road   to participate in many activities and   food. When I attended an event
             •  Participating in the activities                                                                                  paved with flowers.                events held by the college.        where food was served, I would ask
              of the “Step towards Better                                                                                          Starting with my exit from Gaza     Here, I also met my fellow friends   first if the food was spicy or not, and
              Education” project by Press
              House Association between                                                                                                  and the difficulties I     from Gambia who then became        then my friends would start to laugh.
              1/2/2018 to 30/8/2018.                                                                                                                   faced at     my closest friends on my two-year     Two years were enough to change
             •  English Language Course                                                                                                                the Rafah    study journey. Meeting friends     my personality a lot and broaden my
              (TOFEL) 2018/2019
             •  International Student at                                                                                                              crossing      from a different part of the world is   knowledge in many aspects. For me,
              Universitas Syiah Kuala 2019                                                                                                            until this    definitely one of the highlights of my   the most valuable lesson is to learn
             •  Graduated with a Master                                                                                                               moment,       experience studying here.          about the correct scientific methods in
              Degree in Disaster                                                                                                                      there are        I also visited many places and   writing my master’s thesis and research
              Management and Mitigation
              from Universitas Syiah Kuala                                                                                                            still many    travelled to many cities in Aceh   paper. Thanks to my supervisors who
              in The Republic of Indonesia                                                                                                            difficulties   and learned about the customs and   always guided me through the journey
              2021                                                                                                                                   in my life.    traditions of the occasions here.   of preparing for the research.
             •  International Student at
              Universitas Syiah Kuala                                                                                                                   But I’m        Nevertheless, with the emergence   They helped me go through the
              (Master Degree) in English                                                                                                             still fighting   of Covid 19, things began to change.   thesis defense examination, and
              Department 2021                                                                                                                        with all my    For me personally, I found that online   finally on 25 August 2021, I reached
                                                                                                                                                     might to       learning was the biggest challenge of all   the end of my master’s journey in
                                                                                                                                                     prove to       during this period. It became difficult to   which I graduated with an “A”, a Cum
                                                                                                                                                    myself that I   practice what we learn in classes as we   Laude. At the graduation ceremony,
                                                                                                                                                    can complete    were unable to communicate directly   I wore the Palestinian kuffiyah. I am
                                                                                                                                                    the path I’ve   with the lecturers to understand the   proud of being a Palestinian girl who
                                                                                                                                                    chosen and      material in depth.                 graduated from this university. []

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