Page 41 - Warta USK Juni 2022
P. 41

ENGLISH                                                                                     ENGLISH

                   NEW PLACE,

                   NEW EXPERIENCE

                      n this semester I had a chance to apply for   someone of a different race and culture. We
                      Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) program. As the     socialized as soon as the next day despite the
                      international students, the program allows   language barrier. People were curious about my
                      me to connect with experience, understand    origins and why I chose to pursue my studies
                  Ifirsthand other cultures, and ways of life.     in Indonesia. Photo sessions were frequently
                   Receiving notification that I would be posted to   requested because this was an experience, we both
                   Pantan Kuli for a month was initially unsettling   do not want to forget soon. I attempted to study
                   because I had never heard of the area and had no   their culture and to abide by it, which included
                   idea what to expect. This was the start of a period   touching elders’ hands on the forehead and bending
                   of an uncertainty and mixed emotions as I tried to   my legs when sitting with others. When sitting with
                   figure out how to adjust to the different cultures   someone, especially the elderly, it is considered
                   and even converse with the inhabitants of this   impolite in their culture to stretch your legs.
 Date & Place of Birth:  village because I do not speak Indonesian fluently.  Because of my height, this was a tough challenge
 14 August 1988, Farafenni Town, The Gambia  Despite this, I proceeded to go with my group   for me. Nonetheless, I gave it my all, even if I had to
 Origin: Gambian   members after multiple meetings and information   beg permission to stretch my legs when I became
 Status: Economics Student of Syiah Kuala   exchanges on the location and programs to be   tired.
 University, Faculty of Economics and Business
 Email:  implemented. On the 6th of June 2022, at 5 p.m.,   On Friday, I went to a small village to do Jummah
                   we arrived in Pantan Kuli village. As we started   prayers, where I was greeted warmly by the imam
 ACHIEVEMENTS:     climbing mountains with basically no good road,   and the villagers. They also shared information
                   at that time I thought it would be uncomfortable.   with me and asked me some common questions I
    Finalist FMS NCAM 2021” National
 Conference on Management”, Prince of   Though this initial impression was quickly modified   always have to answer. Siapa Namanya? Dari mana
 Songkla University, Thailand  because, whereas the village is difficult to reach, it   asalnya? Sudah berapa lama di sini? Kuliah jurusan
                   is an interesting village.                      apa? Tinggal di mana? Berapa umurnya? Buat apa
    Former President of WCRP “World Class
 Research Programme” Universitas   In my first days, I spent a little time asking and   kamu ke Indonesia dan apakah kamu muslim? Were
 Syiah Kuala, Faculty of Economics and   discovering several things. The first is that the   questions frequently asked by the people I met.
 Business, Department of International   inhabitants of Pantan Kuli and Bener Mariah in   My socialization continued the next day when
 Economics and Business Programme   general are in Aceh Province, but they are of the   I went to another village to play volleyball with
 (IBEP)            Gayo tribe, not the Acehnese as I had assumed.   the guys of Pantan Kuli. It was fun to play with
                                                                   the people because by that way I can get to know
                   Pantan Kuli, also known as Hamparan Kayu (wood
  Bakary S Dibba   land) in Indonesian language, began as a hamlet   people quickly. Overall, KKN program has been an
                   in the year 2000 and has since grown into a
                                                                   incredible experience since I have seen and learned
                                                                   I had stayed only in Banda Aceh. []
                      The villagers were equally surprised to see   things that I would not have easily seen or learned if

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