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ENGLISH                                                                                     ENGLISH

                          Valuable Lesson

                          from Volunteering

                          A                                            papers in that class because my professor

                                     little over two months ago I
                                                                       wanted to expose me to high quality economic
                                     participated in Universitas
                                     Syiah Kuala’s annual World Class
                                                                       research, hoping that I could replicate it on my
                                     Research Program conference.
                                                                       I conducted my research, I was better able to
                                     The Office of International
                           Affairs (OIA) had approached me a few weeks   own. My professor’s approach worked; when
                                                                       mimic their methods and experimental design.
                           earlier with an invitation. I was to deliver a   I hoped to do the same for the students at
 Name: Jack Stevens        presentation about the economic research    Universitas Syiah Kuala, expose them to high
 Date & Place of Birth:    process and then take part in a question    quality economic papers with world class
 11/08/1998, New Jersey, USA
 Origin: United States of America  and answer session. I eagerly accepted the   experimental designs so that they knew what
 Status: Volunteer Lecturer  invitation.                               to shoot for as a standard when doing their
 Email:  I saw it as an opportunity to do something   own research.
 ACHIEVEMENTS:             outside of my comfort zone. Normally I         I finished, and waited eagerly for questions.
 Oberlin Shansi Fellow,    focus on my responsibilities as a student   The questions I received showed me that the
 Universitas Syiah Kuala 2022 - Present  and volunteer lecturer; now I was to be a   students were eager to learn more about the
 Bachelor’s Degree, Economics,
 Oberlin College 2017 - 2022  speaker at a prestigious conference. So in   experimental design standards I had talked
 Project Lead, diiVe Summer Consulting   between crafting lesson plans and leading   about. I was happy that my message had hit
 Internship 2022 - 2022    English-speaking classes, I put together a   home.
 Marketing & Customer Experience Associate,   presentation about the importance of high-  During the question and answer session I
 Taika 2020 - 2022         quality experimental design. I scoured the   talked about the postgraduate job search and
 Undergraduate Research Assistant,  internet for journal articles that showcased   how to network. I fielded questions from bright
 Oberlin College 2021 - 2022
 Market Research Intern, Takeda 2019 - 2019  elegant experiments. I wanted to stress   students who wanted to achieve at the highest
                           their simplicity, and how easy to understand   possible level. I talked with them about their
                           experimental design leads to higher quality   goals, and advised them on how to reach them. I
                           research.                                   felt inspired by their dreams, and honored that I
 Jack                      my message resonate with the students in    could help them, even if I was just helping a little.
                              On presentation day I was nervous. Would
                                                                          I was not surprised by the students and
 Stevens                   the audience? My moment came, I launched    their ambition; this is normal at Universitas
                                                                       Syiah Kuala. The people I study alongside
                           into my presentation. I did my best to bring
                           what I had learned as an economics student at
                                                                       Everyone is motivated and intelligent. And
                           Oberlin College to the Universitas Syiah Kuala   and the faculty I interact with are all great.
                           Faculty of Economics and Business students.   kind, too. I feel at ease in an environment filled
                              In my final semester of undergraduate    with people like this. Overall, the people of
                           I took a senior seminar about the field of   Banda Aceh have made my transition into work
                           industrial organization. I read many academic   and studies easy. []

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