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ENGLISH                                                                                     ENGLISH

                  My Experience

                  as An International Student

 Name: Busrin Waeda-oh
 Date & Place of Birth: 14/02/2001,   ello! I’m Busrin Waeda-oh, a   to the Indonesian language, I found it very
 Narathiwat, Thailand
 Origin: Thailand           Thailand student studying at       different. I need to understand the Indonesian
 Status: International Student  the Faculty of Medicine, General   language and the local language, that is
 of Medicine Faculty        Education Department, Universitas   Acehnese language, to be used during me
                HSyiah Kuala. Alhamdulillah, I thank           taking an internship in the 5th year of my study.
 ACHIEVEMENTS     God for the blessing that I have a chance    But that was not an obstacle to achieving
 Shahadah Al-Quran 6 Juz,  to continue my studies for a bachelor’s   my dream. I tried to learn the languages with
 Al-Mahdee Institute 2015-2016  degree abroad in Aceh, Indonesia. This is an   my friends and sometimes I spoke using
 Certificate Arabic Language in 3   opportunity that might be the dream for many   the languages with the local people. For the
 Level, Zaeem Institute 2017  people in my country and others.  cultural issue, since Thailand and Indonesia are
 Exchange Student at International   When it comes to studying, I have to say   Asian countries, I do not have to adjust much,
 University of Africa, 2018-2019  that it is challenging at some levels. I started   but that does not mean I do not face a culture
 Head of Student Mobility Manager   my journey in the faculty on August 2019,   shock. The first week after I arrived here, the
 at International University of Africa,
 2019             and now I face my last semester. When the    first thing I noticed was the parking billing
 Universitas Syiah Kuala Scholarship,  first time I attend class, I felt so excited   at almost every place I went. I found it a new
 2019 - Present   and was a bit confused about the education   thing.
                  system. But luckily, I met good friends, and   Overall, I did not have to make a lot of
                  they helped me in any study matters, like    adjustments, because most people I meet here
                  explaining lessons delivered earlier in the   are generous. I found it easy for me to adjust
                  classes and telling me more about Aceh and   myself to the Aceh and new environment.
 BUSRIN           cultures. Moreover, my lecturer always gave   Also, this is what makes me want to continue
                  advice that made me feel easier to study.
                                                               studying in Aceh and achieve my dream. So,
                                                               I will try my best to enjoy the moment as
                  Although I have good friends and a good
 Waeda-oh         teacher, I still need to learn more because in   much as I can, although sometimes I may feel
                  class sometimes I did not understand well. It
                                                               discouraged, everyone’s life will come to this
                  took me almost one semester to adapt to the
                  new environment.                             point. It depends on how people deal with that
                                                               discouragement. Finally, thank you to Allah,
                     Besides, I had to learn many things,      and thank you very much to everyone, both
                  including the Indonesian language. Although in   Thai and Indonesian friends, lecturer, and
                  Thailand, especially in my hometown, I speak   Acehnese friends, who have helped and taught
                  the Malay language which is almost similar   me in various matters. []

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