Page 41 - Warta USK Juni 2023
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ENGLISH                                                                                     ENGLISH

                KKN  Experience in

                Rawasari, Trienggadeng,

                Pidie Jaya

                         irstly, I was curious about what KKN   place with farms and I got to know how is the
                         (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) Program would    village’s situation. At Night, we went to the house
                         be like here in Indonesia since I did   of the Barangay Captain or known as kepala
                         not know whether community service    desa, and discussed our individual and group
 Name: Adzmie Banding Awal  Fin the Philippines is the same as in   programs. Talking about my KKN program, I did
 Date & Place of Birth: November   Indonesia. When I heard about my group was   socialization and taught kids from Rawasari
 10, 1999 Tripoli, Libya  assigned to Pidie Jaya, I got excited and nervous   either in school or meunasah. Teaching kids
 Origin: Philippines  at the same time since I did not know what my   gave me a hard time since I am not fluently good
                group would be like, what would happen if we   at speaking Bahasa Indonesia but luckily when
                stay in one place, and if I am going to have a   I taught English, they actually did a good job in
                great experience in our KKN program or not.    cooperating with it. I never thought that it was
 2020 Participant of World Class   One week before proceeding to our   going to be easy but thankfully my group helped
 Research Program “Beyond the   destination, our group decided to meet each   me a lot for my programs to succeed.
 Research”      other and talk about what we needed to prepare   People in Rawasari were friendly. Their
                for this KKN program. After meeting my group   hospitality was great. They always wanted to
 2020 Scholarship from USK for   mates, I was thankful that all of them were such   talk to us when we have our free time. They
 International Students  great friends that I could rely on if I am having   love to share some of their experiences and
                trouble with some circumstances.               lessons with us. I found out that they usually
 2016 Scholarship from SSBP for   On 26 May 2023, I arrived in the regency of   speak Acehnese and they rarely speak in
 Junior – Senior High  Pidie Jaya at 2:00 pm. It was my first time going   Bahasa Indonesia but thankfully if I do not
                to Pidie Jaya after 3 years. I was not expecting   understand, my group mates translate it into
                that the weather would be hotter than in Banda   Bahasa Indonesia so I could catch up on what
                Aceh since I thought it is still in Aceh so it would   they are talking about. They love drinking coffee,
 ADZMIE         the regent’s office and had an opening ceremony   used to drinking coffee here in Indonesia so I
                                                               especially the older ones. Lucky for me I got
                be the same as in Banda Aceh. We stopped at

                                                               don’t have any problem when they ask me to join
                for the students of Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK)
 Banding Awal   and other universities that are assigned to the   them and drink coffee. They even invited us to go
                destination. After the ceremony, we proceed to
                                                               to Batee Ilek which is a river and a place where
                                                               you can relax and refresh your mind.
                the village that we are given which is Rawasari.
                The place was memorable since it was my first    This KKN program taught me a lot of lessons
                experience doing KKN program in Indonesia.     and made me realize that joining this program
                   First day waking up early in Rawasari, we   will give you unforgettable experiences that you
                roamed around the village which is a wide      will have in your life. []

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