Page 41 - Warta USK November 2023
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ENGLISH                                                                                     ENGLISH

                Learning Culture in

                Indonesian Language

                 Busurmankul Kamarov
                 International student from Kyrgyzstan

                           hree months ago, I came to          introduced me about them. In fact, the culture,
                           Indonesia, Banda Aceh, for the first   history, and handicrafts of Aceh are impressive.
                           time, and now I am taking Indonesian   I liked all the cultural programs held by the
                           language class at Universitas       university under office of International Affairs
                 TSyiah Kuala. Immediately after               arrangement. Traveling with fellow students
                 my arrival, the classes have started. During   during the cultural class gives me the strong
 Name: Busurmankul Kamarov  these three months, within the framework   motivation to learn more. The advantage of
 Age:18 years old  of the language learning and cultural class,   this program is that I can immediately practice
 Place of Birth: Kyrgyzstan Osh region,   me with my friends from various countries   what I have read. This helps me and my friends
 Kyrgyzstan      such as Malaysia, Japan, Thailand, Gambia,    to understand the topic quickly and remember
 Nationality: Kyrgyz  USA, Kyrgyzstan, and Bangladesh, travelled to   it easily.
 Role: International Student of
 Universitas Syiah Kuala  several cultural places in Banda Aceh, including   However, sometimes I found difficulties
 Email: busurmankulkamarov71@gmail.  Aceh museum, Tsunami Museum, libraries,   as well. One of them and the most memorable
 com             local small enterprise of Coconut Fibre, and   is that when I first came, I did not know
                 other interesting places in Banda Aceh and    Indonesian language at all. I had no idea what
 ACHIEVEMENT:    Aceh Besar.                                   people were talking about. It was difficult
 t  2023 Participant of BIPA (Bahasa   I like the cultural class because it gives me   for me to understand them. Gradually, with
 Indonesia for Foreigner) program of
 Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia  much exceptional and new culture knowledge.   motivation and help from the language
                 When you come to one country, if you do not   instructors, I began to speak Indonesian
 t 2022 1  Winner of History   know the language, cuisines, culture, customs,   language. Yet, the thing that still gives me
 Olimpiade, held by Ismailbek   and history of that country, it will be very   difficulty is Indonesian food. Indonesian people
 Taranchiev School, Kyrgyzstan  difficult for you to live there. Knowing the   like to eat spicy food and it is quite difficult for
                 culture of the place you live in will help you to   me to get used to it. Despite the difficulties,
 t  2022 Participant of Seminar on the
 Benefits of Obtaining Education,   understand the local societies more easily and   advantages of the program are more than that.
 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan  absolutely will be exciting.             I enjoy learning Indonesia language and the
 Busurmankul        Once, the class took me and my friends to   culture in Aceh.
 t  2021 – 2023   Alumnus of Ismailbek   a local craft place. I saw various and colourful   I am so thankful and appreciate for the
 Taranchiev School, Kyrgyzstan  handicrafts and products such as Songket,   teachers, they teach and share us everything,
   Kamarov       Aceh Traditional Hat, Aceh clothes, coffee,   and our lessons are not limited to only learning
 t  2020 1  Winner of History
 Olimpiade, held by Esenkeldi Uulu   traditional cuisines, and so on. I interested to   a language, but also exchange opinions on
 Maksatbek School, Kyrgyzstan  know more about that, like how it is made, the   free topics, which is very valuable for our self-
                 materials, and others, and the people there   development. []

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