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         Youth and Education                                                                                                     Alvi Chairiah, S.Pd

                                                                                                                               PERSONAL INFORMATION
         for Nation Development                                                                                                Date of Birth : December 27, 1991
                                                                                                                               Name : ALVI CHAIRIAH
                                                                                                                               Interest : Public relation, media, culture,
                                                                                                                               history, journalistic, and education
                                                                                                                               EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND
                                                                                                                               English Department, Teacher Training and
                                                                                                                               Education Faculty, University of Syiah Kuala
          It can not be denied that a nation’s   flexible in their movements, then the   Indonesia’s natural resources can be well
          welfare can be realized from the hands   globalization will be left behind. On the   utilized by the nation itself. Imagine if   •  2011 Runner-up II for English Debate
          of the youth. History has written many   other hand, the youth must be able to   Indonesia has various investments in   Competition of Unsyiah Fair held by
          stories of the young men who played a   maintain their identity as a nation so   the country, there will be a lot that can   •  University of Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh
                                                                                                                               •  2014 Indonesia Youth Ambassador for the
          role in the independence and sovereignty   that children do not get carried away   be generated to pay the debts of the   Ship of Southeast Asian and
          of their people. In Indonesia for example,   and keep in mind the nature of national   country, improvements in the economic,   •  Japanese Youth Program by Ministry of
                                                                                                                                 Youth and Sport of Indonesia and
          Dr. Soetomo, the founder of Budi Utomo   sovereignty. The struggle of the present   socio-cultural sectors are maintained, the   •  Japan Government
          (1908) who started the movement of   version of youth gives another color in   welfare of society increases, and others.  •  2015 First Winner for Tourism Ambassador
                                                                                                                                 of Banda Aceh held by Culture and
          Indonesian independence. Also other   guarding the form of the nation’s defense                                      •  Tourism Department of Banda Aceh
          influential figures such as Soewardi   struggle for independence. One of the   Youth can certainly do real things to   •  2015 Runner-up II for Tourism Ambassador
                                                                                                                                 of Aceh held by Culture and
          Suryaningrat (Ki Hajar Dewantara)   most powerful and influential ways to   overcome the problem of national         •  Tourism Department of Aceh
          founder of Indische Partij (1914), Bung   realize the nation’s independence is the   independence in terms of education. As   •  2015 Media Social Ambassador for Tourism
          Hatta founder of the Indonesian Society   education path.            an innovative youth, it is appropriate to         Ambassador of Aceh held by
                                                                                                                               •  Culture and Tourism Department of Aceh
          (1924) in the Netherlands, and Bung                                  make tactical and efficient steps to solve      •  2017 Madani Awards as The Best Tourism
          Karno who wrestle the political stage.   As John Dewey says “Education is not   all educational problems. All these steps   Ambassador Who Promoting Banda
                                                                                                                               •  Aceh awarded by the Mayor of Banda Aceh
          They make a change in the age that is   preparation for life; education is life   can be started from the smallest scope,
          quite young, the twenties. Surely that age   itself”. Education is a powerful weapon   the environment. For example, by inviting
          benchmark become the inspiration for   to fight in this era. The awareness of the   groups or communities to both do social
          young generation that now being echoed   importance of education should be deeply   activities such as teaching orphans and
          by advancements from various fields.   nurtured in the minds and hearts of   poor children, scavengers, and also can
                                            Indonesian youth in oreder to make this   create and run an IT-based mini library
          Now Indonesia is independent. However,   country survive and advance.  that can be reached by all levels of
          the struggle has not been said to be                                 society. So that the generation of reading
          finished because Indonesia cannot be   Education is not only merely from formal   love is very useful for the future of the
          fully independent. Surely we do not need   education, non-formal education also   nation.
          to use another pointed bamboo or other   has an important role in developing the
          weapons and kill the colonizers, but   talents of the nation’s children. Education   The desire to realize the independence
          what we must be aware of is modern   can lead to professionalism which is   of the nation must be embedded in the
          colonization that pierces directly to   one of the weapons to realize the   youth. Awareness of the importance of
          morals, thinking and habits of children of   independence of the nation.   national independence can encourage
          the nation, especially youth who will take                           youth to be more enthusiastic in pursuing
          control of the government.        Educational institutions have important   the ideals aimed at a dream, that is
                                            roles in preparing human resources that   an independent nation and sovereign
          The challenges facing youth today are   will process the existing natural resources.   full of itself. Youth as an agent of
          certainly very diverse. On one side of   Young men who seriously cultivate their   change certainly has the power to act.
          the youth must be able to adjust to the   education will become a professional   The spirit of youth, the spirit of nation
          current global situation. If youth are not   community in their field. Moreover,   development! (un)

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