Page 41 - Edisi November 2017
P. 41

40  ENGLISH                                                                                   ENGLISH      41

                  he first war in Aceh that led   the leader of the Lueng Bata Settlement,   Chik Lueng Bata, one of the fighters who
                  by Johan Harmen Rudolf    also known as Ulee Balang, and he   defends the town of Lueng Bata. The
                  Kohler, know as General   was also the Atjeh hero who defended   tomb of Teuku Nyak Raja or Teungku
                  Kohler, was very successful   the City of Meugat during the First   Imum Lueng Bata has not been found
          Tin conquering the mosque of      War of Atjeh, the soldier of the Polem   till today. But, Aceh’s history records that
          pride for the people of Aceh, the Great   Commander.                 he was martyred in the pursuit of Dutch
          Mosque of Baiturrahman.                                              troops. History also did not record where
                                            Teungku Imum Lueng Bata grandson   the martyrdom is located. There were
          On April 14, 1873, the Dutch attack   named Nukman explained that his   people who say that he was martyred in
          succeeded in burning the Great Mosque   grandfather and his followers deliberately   Geulumpang Minyeuk, Pidie.
          of Baiturrahman. At the same morning,   concealed their identities as Kohler’s shooter
          General Köhler was standing on the   to protect themselves from the Dutch.  The death of four Dutch generals was
          burning wall of the mosque. He was                                   the only event the Dutch had ever
          checking/inspecting for the direction to   Chronology of Shooting    experienced in the history of their
          attack the Palace of Daruddunnia (the   When Teuku Nyak Radja Lueng Bata   journey to attack other territories in the
          Heart of the Atjeh Kingdom). Suddenly,   hiding not far from General Johan   archipelago. The body of General Kohler
          an Acehnese sniper in a standby position   Harmen Rudolf Köhler, then teuku imum   was buried in Peutjut Kerkhof cemetery
          fired and hit the General’s heart within   lungbata fired one shot and the shot was   complex beside Blangpadang area,
          100 meters of range. Immediately, the   right on the binoculars lens of General   Banda Aceh. General Kohler’s name was
          General was killed. Kohler fell under a   Johan Harmen Rudolf Köhler, then the   engraved on the right and left side of
          geulumpang tree which was later called   shot penetrated his chest. General Rudolf   the gate. It read: In Memoriam General-
          by the Dutch with Kohlerboom or Kohler   Köhler was killed saying, ‘Oh God ik ben   Majoor JHR Kohler, Gesneuveld, April
          trees. Currently, the tree has been cut due   getroffen’ (Oh God! I’m hit).  14, 1873. The date and year marked
          to the expansion of the Great Mosque of                              the death of General Kohler against the
          Baiturrahman renovation. The incident of   The first war in Atjeh happened at   Acehnese fighters.
          General Kohler’s death by a sniper was   the reign of Sultan Alaidin Mahmud
          shocking all the Dutch troops in Aceh and   Shah (1870-1874 M), it was during   One of the important notes in the
          also around the world, especially Europe.   this time that the Dutch entered Aceh   Aceh war was the death of four Dutch
          This mysterious sniper of General Kohler’s   and famously known as “Belanda Pula   generals, Major General J.H.R Kohler,
          shooter has become a mystery.     Labu”. Dutch Planted Labu was a mere   Major General J.L.J.H. Pel, Demmeni and
                                            trick to the people of Aceh through the   General J.J.K. De Moulin. However, the
 Cut Yurasniati S, S.Pd  None of media have written about the   Eternal Friendship Agreement which was   story of the death of General Kohler is still

          identity of mysterious sniper who shot   engineered by Van Switen on March 30,   a proud story for the Acehnese. Imagine,
 English Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty,   General Johan Harmen Rudolf Köhler.   1857 M.  the Netherlands at that time was one of
 University of Syiah Kuala  Though he was a nobleman of Atjeh                  the countries with the cappability power
          descendant of Lueng Bata hero named   Teuku Nyak Radja Leung Bata, one of   and military that the world would counts.
 Sniper of Aceh Kingdom  Teuku Njak Radja Lueng Bata or often   Aceh’s snipers, was extinct from Aceh’s   But in Aceh, their great general was
                                            own history, he was a student of Tgk
          called Teungku Imum Lueng Bata. He was
                                                                               covered in blood. (un)

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