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 Muhammad  Follow Your Passion
 Afi Ramadhan, S.E.
          to Have a Fulfilling College Life

 IG   : @afiramadhan
 LinkedIn  :
 Alumni of International Accounting Program (IAP)   wise man once said,“As a   intensive leadership development   to even survive and stay sane. But isn’t
 Batch 2017, Universitas Syiah Kuala   student, one has a lot of time and   program by XL Axiata and became an   there always a silver lining in every cloud?
 Virtual Mobility Student at Universiti Utara Malaysia   energy yet one has no money;   alumnus of XL Future Leader. Through   One positive thing we have during these
 (UUM), 2020 – 2021
         A en one works, one has a lot of    these experiences, I knew I was blessed.   times is the fact that conferences are
 ACHIEVEMENTS:  energy and money yet one has no time;As   And I learned a lot about the importance   now running virtually all over the world.
 g  1st Winner of Intervarsity Corporate Strategy   one ages, one has a lot of time and money   of having a passion and nurturing the   This is a perfect time to gain experiences
 Challenge (ICSC) 2021 held by Universiti Malaya   yet one has no energy”  spirit to achieve it.   and international exposure by spending
 Accounting Club (UMAC), Kuala Lumpur – Virtual  Since I first encountered it in 2017, I   For example, if someone has a passion   a lot less money than usual. It’s such an
 g  2nd Winner of Most Outstanding Students -   came to realise how true the saying is as I   for badminton, it is important to find the   opportunity that one definitely should not
 Universitas Syiah Kuala 2020  finish my bachelor studies in 2021. Indeed,   community to harness their ability. They   miss!

 g  Awardee of Beasiswa Unggulan Masyarakat   as a college student, I was blessed with   could join the USK badminton club and   In my experience, having a mentor and
 Berprestasi – Kemendikbud RI, 2018 - 2021  ample time and endless energy to pursue   find support from people and peers with   a supportive circle are also important to
          my passion and everything else that I   the same passion. If one is interested   pursue passion. Having a mentor means
 g  Indonesian Delegates of ASEAN-Korea Youth
 Network Workshop, Seoul and Manila (2018);   loved. And undoubtedly, this pursuit   in acting, they can come and join   that we have someone who has more
 CIMB Young ASEAN Leaders, UKM (2018); Hitachi   requires a considerable number of   communities that cherish drama.   experience in the field of interest who
 Young Leaders Initiative (2019); STEP Youth   financial resources at many points.   But if someone is still wondering   can help guide us on walking the pathway
 Regional Affairs Dialogue (2019); SMU  Leadership   But with Allah’s help,   about their passion, then it’s time to try   of college life and beyond. They can be
 Symposium (2018); Bali Democracy Students   Alhamdulillah I managed   and experience a lot of things to find out   the seniors in university, a speaker in a
 Conference (2019); Virtual HPAIR Harvard
 Conference (2021); YSEALI Smart Cities Regional   to realise my ambitions,   which skills and interests that perfectly   webinar, or even an expert from LinkedIn!
 Virtual Workshop (2021); Virtual ANU Asia   one by one. In four years   fit them. For me, passion is something   In the meantime, a supportive social
 Pacific Week (2020); #CONVERGE Virtual Event,   of my studies, I visited   that keeps you going, so finding and   circle will also be a support system to root
 Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS)   South Korea, Philippines,   exploring one would really help us to go   for anything that we pursue. They will be
 (2020); 2nd Winner (High School/University) of   Singapore, and Malaysia - all   further and live our college life happily.   there for all the ups and downs along the
 BKPM GoWrite Article Competition 2018, held  without costing my own   Having passions also lead me to always   road. The journey to make our passion
    by Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board
                     money.                  be prepared so that I could grab every   true may not be easy. And last, but never
 EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES:  During that time, I also   opportunity that comes to me.   the least, is to always pray and hope for
 g   (2017 – 2021) Member and Media Staff  participated in several   As one of my lecturers said,   the best from Allah.
    of Debating Union of Syiah Kuala (DUSK)  international and national   “opportunities will come for those who are   We may not succeed on the first try,
 g   (2018 – 2021) XL Future Leaders  competitions. I received   ready”. So it’s very important to always be   and our wishes may not be fulfilled despite
    Batch 7 by XL Axiata  a scholarship, attended   prepared with the skills and experiences   the efforts we put on our passions. But it’s
 g  (2020 – 2021) Associate (Succession  a virtual exchange in   needed. In my case, I made sure to make   okay, because I believe that Allah knows
    Project) at UUM Youth Consulting (UYC)  Universiti Utara Malaysia   a holistic preparation; having a good GPA,   what’s best for me, what’s best for us.
                      (UUM), wrote a paper   learning language and organizational   All in all, a journey to make one’s
                      and published it in an   skills, joining competitions, getting   passion become true is a journey to be
                      international proceeding,   international exposure, even developing   a better version of ourselves. I hope my
                  and submitted one article to   hobbies!                       experiences could become inspirations
           be published in a book.             Unfortunately, we all know as the   for those who strive to live a fulfilling
              I even managed to join the 2-year   pandemic strikes, it became difficult   college life. Cheers! []

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