Page 40 - Warta USK Oktober 2023
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ENGLISH                                                                                                                                                                                               ENGLISH


                                                                                                                                       in Banda Aceh

         Name: Md. Imran Mahmud                                                                                                          t has been three months I am living in Banda   students coming from different parts of Indonesia
         Age: 21 years                                                                                                                   Aceh. Coming all the way from Bangladesh to   and all over the world. In the campus different
         Place of Birth: Chapai Nawabganj,
         Bangladesh                                                                                                                      Indonesia was not an easy decision to make.   faculties arrange career and education field
         Nationality: Bangladeshi                                                                                                        Also I have never lived without my family.   related seminars, workshops, competitions and
         Role: International Student of                                                                                              IWhen various thoughts and anxiety started       training every week. The environment in the
         Universitas Syiah Kuala                                                                                                      filling my head, by saying  ‘Bismillah’ I  just  started   USK campus can be a benchmark for an ideal
                                                                                                                                      my journey to Indonesia and so far, I think I   university. Not only in academic sectors, but also
         ACHIEVEMENTS                                                                                                                 have made the right choice.                     in the co-curricular activities the students are
         t  2023                                                                                                                         I have come to Indonesia through KNB         so active.  They actively participate in debate
            Awarded KNB Scholarship from
            Ministry of Education, Culture,                                                                                           (Kemitraan Negara Berkembang) Scholarship       competitions, intra and inter province sports
            Research and Technology, Indonesia                                                                                        Program to do my Bachelor’s in Computer         competitions, summer camps, community
            to study Computer Engineering at                                                                                          Engineering at Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK).   services etc. They also go to other countries
            Universitas Syiah Kuala.                                                                                                  It is an Indonesian government scholarship      to participate in different programs and bring
         t  2020-2021
            Form Leader at Rajuk Uttara Model                                                                                         program provided by the Ministry of Education,   success for the university.
            College, Bangladesh                                                                                                       Culture, Research and Technology. According        The local people here are so hospitable. They
         t  2018                                                                                                                      to the scholarship program plan, currently I am   approach to foreigners and start chitchatting
            Founding Member of Oporahno, a                                                                                            taking BIPA class, learning Bahasa Indonesia    like a long-time friend. This November on one of
            Dhaka based non-profit organization
         t  2018-2021                                                                                                                 and Indonesian culture. I have classmates from   our field trips we visited Pekan Kebudayaan Aceh
            Volunteer at U-Report Bangladesh,                                                                                         Malaysia, Thailand, Gambia, America, Japan,     that holds once every five years! By attending
            UNICEF                                                                                                                    Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.                      the program, I gained a profound understanding
         t  2018
            Exhibited my photograph, ‘Duronto                                                                                            When we learn a topic in class such as       of the richness of the wonderful diversified
            Bikel’ at Bangladesh Shishu Academy                                                                                       Indonesian handicrafts, Independence Day or     Acehnese culture. People from different
         t  2017-2020                                                                                                                 cuisine, we also discuss about the topic from   religions and tribes live in peace and harmony
            Member at Rajuk College Cultural                                                                                          the perspective of our own country. That is how   here. Aceh is also blessed with spellbinding
            Club                                                                                                                      we learn Bahasa Indonesia and have a cultural   natural landscapes. It has breathtaking beautiful
           Md. Imran                                                                                                                  exchange at the same time. For cultural class   mountains, waterfalls, islands, sea, rivers and

           Mahmud                                                                                                                     our own country. For our field trips we have visited   my classmates, teachers and specially the staffs
                                                                                                                                      we go to field trips, learn Indonesian traditional
                                                                                                                                                                                         By getting the warm hospitality and help from
                                                                                                                                      dances, sometimes cook traditional foods from
                                                                                                                                      to Aceh museum, Dekranasda Aceh Besar, Masjid
                                                                                                                                                                                      of OIA (Office of International Affairs), I do not
                                                                                                                                                                                      feel any homesickness. I hope my upcoming
                                                                                                                                      Raya Baiturrahman and many other places. We
                                                                                                                                      have learned the traditional dance ‘Likok Pulo’ and
                                                                                                                                      performed it in International Student Summit 2023,   days in Aceh, Indonesia will be more exciting
                                                                                                                                                                                      and productive. I also hope that I will be able
                                                                                                                                      Bandung. I am enjoying this BIPA class very much.  to utilize the opportunities to study in this
                                                                                                                                         USK campus is so vibrant with the bright     prestigious Universitas Syiah Kuala properly. []

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