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English                                                                                           English

                     Being an International

 Abdoulie Jonga  Student of USK, Proud!

 Origin: Gambian  saw my interest in the area   process was under the supervision   Before the approval of my final
 Status: Alumni of Universitas Syiah Kuala,
 Graduate Program, Disaster Science  of disaster, as it is a natural   of Dr. Ella Meilianda, S.T., M.T, and Dr.   defending, my thesis has gone
 Date & Place of Birth: 06-08-1986, Gambia,   phenomenon which can   Nizamuddin, M. INFO.SC. With their   through so many verification process,
 Kanikunda Tendala  affect everyone. I believe that   efficient and competent, everything   where the plagiarism, journal or
        I disaster is unavoidable and the    went fine. In the moment of meeting   conference publication in concern
 Achievements:  catastrophic events in which all   and discussing with my supervisors   to my thesis was observed properly
 »   Master’s Degree in Disaster Science, 2021.
 »   Certificate of Promoting Exchange   hands most be on deck to reduce   at times were difficult as it was done   before the endorsement for the final
 Program on Education, Culture, and   its risk. I went ahead to apply the   through online consultation, due to   defending of my thesis. Although,
 Industry between Syiah Kuala University &   scholarship and I was lucky to be   the Covid-19 pandemic, but still with   the thesis proposal defending and
 University of the Nation’s, 2020.
 »   Certificate of Education for Disaster Risk   given acceptance to the Graduate   the compassionate and dedication   progress seminar was done online
 Reduction Integrating SFDRR and SDGs for   Program in Disaster Science for the   of my supervisor, they always give   due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but
 In-Service Teacher Training, 2020.
 »   Certificate of Managing the Impact of   period of two years in Universitas   me constructive comments, which   in a nutshell the final defending of
 Covid-19 on IMT-GT Trade and Investment   Syiah Kuala (USK).  has drastically improved my thesis   my thesis was done offline, which
 Cooperation, 2020.
 »   Certificate of Artificial Intelligence and   During my study period in Aceh,   writing process.  signifies to me the significant
 Deep learning, 2020.  Indonesia, I enjoyed every classes   As the thesis writing process   value placed on thesis writing as a
 »   Certificate of Energy Swaraj: The Energy of   where we all discussed interesting   requires stages (i.e. thesis proposal   requirement in the academic trend of
 Sustainability, 2020.
 »   Certificate of how can we better integrate   topics that led by its experts from   defending, seminar progress and the   the university. Alhamdullilah, despite
 health and disaster management, 2020.  the university. Out of the class,   final trial), it has also developed skills   the challenges in my thesis writing,
 »   Certificate of Enhancing Student Digital   I went with local students in   of coordination and management   it is finally done and dusted with a
 Entrepreneurship during Covid-19
 Pandemic, 2020.  different places such as Pulo Aceh,   process I need to go through, such   grade point of ‘A’.
 »   Certificate of Improving Techniques in   Sabang, Takengon and Tsunami   as providing conducive environment   In conclusion, I believe that being
 Scientific Writing for Journal Publications,
 2020.    Museum, also joined several online   during my thesis defending process   an International student studying
 »   Certificate of International Seminar   conferences during the Covid-19   in which there was no alteration at   in the university has make an input
 on Archives: Indian Ocean Tsunami   pandemic. I took these academic   all. During the seminar defending   in my life as a living being, as I do
 Archives as the Source of Knowledge and
 Documentary Heritage.  activities as an additional knowledge   process, I was examined by Prof.   not only gain academic knowledge
 »   International student of USK 2019.  to my area of study, which cannot be   Dr. Azmeri, S.T, M.T., and Dr. Ir.   but I additionally learn about how
 »   Certificate of International Seminar on
 the Reflection on Indian Ocean Tsunami   gain within the four corners of the   Teuku Alvisyahrin, M.Sc., and Dr.   to share, interact with people of
 Archives as Memory of the World to   classroom.  Ir. M. Dirhamsyah, M.T., IPU guided   different identity in the phase of the
 Commemorate the 15  Anniversary of   In reference to my thesis   the Seminar. With their high level   earth. Therefore, Universitas Syiah
 Indian Ocean Tsunami, 2019.
 »   Certificate of Valuable Contributions   writing process as a fundamental   capacity, they made a significant   Kuala is the right place to pursue
 towards teaching and learning at Jarumeh   requirement in my graduate program   contribution during my thesis writing   an academic career without any
 Koto Senior Secondary School, Central
 River Region (CRR), Gambia, 2019.  of studied, it was a long journey   process, despite the challenging   alteration due to its atmospheric
          writing process. My thesis writing   critics.                         environment. []

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