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ENGLISH                                                                                                                                                                                               ENGLISH

                                                                                                                                         My USK

                                                                                                                                         Study Experiences

         Name: Ifenna Calistus Obiwulu
         Age: 26
         Place of Birth: Anambra State,                                                                                                            s someone born in Nigeria, and     work on developing self-discipline so that they
         Nigeria.                                                                                                                                  raised in a Christian-dominated    might improve as people.
         Nationality: Nigerian
         Role: Masters of Disaster Science at                                                                                                      region in the south-eastern part of   In my pursuit to make myself emerge with
         Universitas Syiah Kuala.                                                                                                                  Nigeria, coming to Indonesia which   the highest level of versatility and experience,
         Email:                                                                                             Ais one of the most populous Islamic          I was lucky to be taught by the best lecturers

         ACHIEVEMENTS:                                                                                                                   countries around the world, has sharpened    in Disaster Science at Universitas Syiah
         §  2020 : Awarded Scholarship to                                                                                                my mindset and my global view of most of the   Kuala (USK). They helped me to gain valuable
            study Disaster Science at Universitas
            Syiah Kuala.                                                                                                                 religious activities.                        practical experience and knowledge from
         §  2017 : Completed the NYSC teaching                                                                                               When I arrived in Indonesia in early 2020,   the university and Aceh environs toward
            program at Oke’Badan High  School,                                                                                           I thought it would be hard for me to adapt to   understanding the best management practices
            Ibadan, Oyo State.
         §  2017 : President, National Youth                                                                                             Aceh and Aceh Sharia Law, but living here    for helping displaced people and handling
            Service Corps, Sports Community                                                                                              made me understand more about how religion   emergencies. I successfully finished my
            Development Service, Oyo State.
         §  2017 : Certificate of National Service                                                                                       can help build a nation and its people therein.   research on March 2023. My lecturers are
            (National Youth Service Corps).                                                                                              The people of Aceh have good hearts, friendly,   friendly and calm. Their guidance, reviews,
         §  2016 : Anambra State University,                                                                                             and accommodating in nature without any      recommendations and the conducive
            Igbariam, Anambra State. Completed
            the B.Sc. Mass Communication                                                                                                 form of discrimination even if you are not a   atmosphere they maintained throughout my
            program.                                                                                                                     muslim or a citizen of Indonesia.            research work boosted my knowledge in the
         §  2015 : Sports Ambassador Award,
            Student Union Government, ANSU,                                                                                                 One of my best periods in Aceh is the     disaster management field and improved my
                  Igbariam   Chapter.                                                                                                    Ramadan period, it is embraced with          self-esteem during my thesis presentation.
         §  2014 : Director of Sports, Students’                                                                                         excitement and delight in Indonesia and other   My stay in Aceh can be said to be glorious
            Union Government, ANSU, Igbariam
            Chapter.                                                                                                                     Islamic nations, and the tone of people’s    with the help of the Office of International
         §  2014 : Best Footballer of the Year                                                                                           speech reflects this. It is a time of year when   Affairs staff. They are always there whenever
            Award, Faculty of Social Sciences,
                  ANSU, Igbariam Chapter.                                                                                                all Muslims worldwide pause to reflect on their   I call, their humility, availability, reachability is
         §  2013, 2014 & 2015    :                                                                                                       lives and make changes to present themselves   second to none. I learned a lot from them and I
            Outstanding Football Player of the                                                                                           positively, it is comparable to the easter period   am ready to take home these great lessons to
            Year Award Department of Mass
            Communication, ANSU, Igbariam                                                                                                which is celebrated by Christians. During this   serve my people in such a manner. They work
            Chapter.                                                                                                                     period, the Acehnese people give alms and    tirelessly in making sure that international
           IFENNA                                                                                                                        provide meals for the needy, all these forms of   students are living comfortable life. Their way
                                                                                                                                         worship directly improve their communal life
                                                                                                                                                                                      of tackling issues is worthy of emulation. May
                                                                                                                                         and unity. Certain fundamental values in the
                                                                                                                                                                                      God always bless them.
                                                                                                                                                                                         I would always recommend studying at
           Calistus Obiwulu                                                                                                              Acehnese community are articulated and hence   Universitas Syiah Kuala anytime to people
                                                                                                                                         reinforced by these activities. The people of
                                                                                                                                         Aceh make several sacrifices during Ramadan,   because the institution supports each learning
                                                                                                                                         including closing their businesses for most of   individual in their career development enabling
                                                                                                                                         the day and refraining from practices that can   them to become responsible professionals and
                                                                                                                                         distance them from God. They also constantly   critical consumers. []

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