Page 41 - Warta USK Desember 2023
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ENGLISH                                                                                     ENGLISH

                 The Expectation

                 versus the Reality of

                 Studying Abroad

                 By: Nanthicha Maimahad

                           eceiving a scholarship to study     two or more languages, that is better. For me,
                           abroad, whether a degree or a       Indonesian people are very kind and pretty.
                           language study scholarship, it is the   I have been staying in Banda Aceh for four
 Name: Nanthicha Maimahad  luckiest thing for me. My name is   months. First month I came here, I felt homesick,
 Age: 26        RNanthicha Maimahad, you can call              but it’s okay because this is not my first-time
 Place of Birth: South of Thailand, Satun  me Gismey. I’m from Thailand. I’m a graduate   leaving Thailand for a long time. I had experience
 Nationality: Thai  student from Walailak University, Liberal of Art,   staying in Vietnam for six months, so I thought
 Role: Participant of DARMASISWA   ASEAN Studies. This is the first time I come to   I could adapt well. Yet, everything is different
 Program, Universitas syiah Kuala
 Email:   Aceh and get a scholarship from the Indonesian   from what I have imagined. I had culture shock
                 government.                                   because I found here was stricter than Thailand.
 ACHIEVEMENTS       When I got information I got selected, I felt   For me Aceh is different from other parts of
 n  2014 Awardee of YES Scholarship   amazed, excited, happy and at the same time,   Indonesia. The people here are strictly religious
 Program, Thailand.  I was confused because I was still working, but   and following the teachings of Islam.
                 then I decided to accept this scholarship. I have   From the beginning I thought that living here
 n  2018 Volunteer Teacher (Social   to thank to myself that I chose to come here. I   was different from Thailand. The traditional
 science) at Mok Khalan Pracha son
 Nakhon Sri Thammarat, Thailand.   will never regret to come to Aceh.  rules and custom like weather, food, people,
                    Recently, I am studying Indonesian language   old story, and others, I have to learn those all
 n  2018 - 2019 Student Exchange   at Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh. Actually,   with my friends. Especially when there was
 at Hanoi University, Vietnamese   this is not my first time learning the language,   heavy rain or bad weather, I had to constantly
 Language Course, Vietnam
                 but this is the first time for me to learn it   gamble whether the electricity power would
 n  2019 -2020 Internship at Chao Koh   seriously. I took Indonesian language class   be blackout or not. This is another thing that
 Phi Phi, Krabi Province, Thailand  when I was in senior high school. But here in the   shocks me when it rains heavily, because I have
 n  2020 Graduate from Walailak   university I learn everything about Indonesian   never had an experience like this.
 University, Liberal Art of ASEAN   language, culture, social, food etc. For me,   I would like to say thank you to Indonesian
 studies (Second Honor), Thailand  I felt a bit difficult, like I started it from the   government for the DARMASISWA scholarship

 n  2023 Awardee of DARMASISWA   beginning. However, I will be patient and keep   and Universitas Syiah Kuala for giving me good
 Program at Universitas Syiah Kuala,   learn, especially about Aceh. For me, the second   experiences, good memories, good friends and
 Aceh, Indonesia  language learning is very important because   everything coming to my life. I hope, I can learn
                 by learning it you can go anywhere. If you know   more about Acehnese culture. []

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