Page 41 - Warta USK Januari 2022
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          and international students from
          different countries. The program
          was attended by students from
          Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and
          Mali of West Africa. The presence
          of the international students, local
          students, and the in-depth content
          of this program has produced some
          critical variations in the traditional
          pattern recognition framework.
            We had the pleasure of
          discovering certain ethnic groups
          and places by video projection
          such as Lake Toba, Karo’s culture,
          Melayu’s culture, and Nias’s culture.
          The program also offered all
          members of the program traditional
          dances training provided by dance
          lecturers. Then, we performed      Biodata Penulis            Artful architectural details are applied
          dances of Karo, Melayu, and Nias,   Name: Tata Drame          throughout these carefully designed spaces.
                                                                           I had a lot of memorable experiences
 Tata Drame  as the traditional and cultural   Date & Place of Birth:   during the program; a particular form of the
          dances. The performance we
          learned has fascinated me, it
          created interaction, understanding,   Origin: Malian          social life of social practices comprising
                                             Status: International Student of
                                                                        particular articulations between culture,
          union, mutual respect, fraternity,   Universitas Syiah Kuala, Mining   language, and other elements of social
          assurance. This performance
                                                                        practices was the priority. Social change
 CULTURE TO LEARN UNITY   allowed us to make the differences   Email:  socio-cultural practices were honored
          between other countries and
                                                                        such as activities, subjects (endowed with
 AND DISSIMILARITY  our different ideas, behaviors,   n   2015: Malian Bachelor in   representations, knowledge, beliefs, values,
          characters, and beliefs.
                                                                        purposes, attitudes), social relations,
                                             n  2018: Worked at Creacom
            As an International student of
                                                                        traditional instruments, objects, time and
          Universitas Syiah Kuala, I attempted   Afrique (Global Communication   place, and speech.
          to know more about Indonesia’s     n  2019: International Student of   This kind of cultural program is what
 have participated in the   opportunity to have some hands-on   because it is a critical component   history to strengthen my knowledge   Universitas Syiah Kuala, Aceh,   attracts me the most. Culture program
 International Fun Break 2021   experiences on Indonesia’s cultural   of what shapes human experience   and find great relations with   Indonesia  helps build social capital, the glue that holds
 program organized by the   diversity and discover environmental   throughout life. Cultural programs   Indonesians. I have been impressed   n  2020: 1  Runner up at   communities together. The mixing with
 International Affairs Office in the   conversation.  are opportunities for leisure,   with the precious equipment at Tjong   UMiWEEK program (iWEEK   locals and foreigners conveys that we are all
 I art of Universitas Sumatera   I believe that participating in this   entertainment, learning, and sharing   A Fie house, which is 35-room and   Shorties)  brothers and sisters. We should celebrate
 Utara (USU). It was two days full of   kind of cultural program can give   experiences with others.  2-storey. The beautiful light fixtures   n  2021: Ambassador of the 1  year   our unique differences and rejoice at being
                                               blue Sky Ambassador (Korea)
 activities, from 6 December to 7   me benefits in many different ways,   This international program   of the mansion are a mix of Chinese   n  2021: Participants of   part of the same family through this activity,
 December 2021. It gave me, as an   some of which are deeply personal   has been fulfilled through   and European styles of the period.   International Fun Break   that is made this moment unforgettable.
 Engineering International student   and I have always had a great   multiculturalism, fun cross-  The public area consists of the Kwan   Program, hosted by Universitas   International Fun Break 2021 was successful,
 of Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK), an   consideration for cultural activities   cultural experiences between local   Ti Kong temple and the Ballroom.   Sumatera Utara, Indonesia  fun, and full of useful knowledge. []

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